Public Records

City Secretary | 120 El Chico Trail, Suite A | Willow Park, TX 76087 
Phone (817) 441-7108 ext. 108

The City of Willow Park endeavors to keep an open line of communication with its citizens. As a governmental entity, the city is subject to the Public Information Act (sometimes referred to as the Open Records Act). Public information includes any information that is collected, assembled, or maintained by or for a governmental entity, regardless of format. However, there are certain records that are excepted from required disclosure by state statute. (For instance, personal information regarding individuals who meet the definition of "peace officer," certain information contained in employees’ personnel files, employee’s medical records, etc.)

The Public Information Act requires that the city "promptly produce" the public information and that requests must be accomplished in a reasonable time period. There is often a misconception that the records must be produced within ten days. In some instances, records can be produced in less than ten days, but in other cases which entail producing a substantial number of documents, it may take several weeks. If it will take longer than ten business days to provide requested records, the city must certify in writing to the requester when (within a reasonable time) the information will be available. If the city feels that the requested information falls within one of the statutory exceptions, the city must request a ruling from the Attorney General within ten business days after the date the city received the written request.

To make a public information request, please complete the Request for Public Information form (PDF) and submit the completed form by  e-mail (; mail to City Secretary's Office, 120 El Chico Trail, Suite A,  Willow Park, Texas 76087