Water & Wastewater


The City of Willow Park's source of water is the Trinity and Paluxy Aquifers.  The Texas Water Development Board lists the Trinity Aquifer as major aquifer, while the Paluxy is considered only a minor aquifer.  An aquifer is recognized as a major aquifer when it produces large amounts of water over a large area.  A minor aquifer is an aquifer that produces minor amounts of water over a large area or large amounts of water over a small area.  

Water is produced from 26 wells located around the City.  Most sites include a Trinity and Paluxy Aquifer well.  

The wells are able to produce up to 1.5 million gallons of water per day.  On average, the City water usage averages of 1.2 million gallons per day during the summer and as little as a half million during the winter.


Water is pumped up out of the aquifer into ground storage tanks.  As the water enters the ground storage tanks, the water is disinfected with chlorine to kill off any harmful bacteria. 

When SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquistion) begins to show that water is needed to fill up tanks or for use in the distribution system, SCADA automatically turns on pumps located at a near by pump station, which begins to remove the water from the holding tank. 

Water automatically enters the distribution system once it leaves the pump station. From there, water can be consumed by the customer or it enters the elevated storage tanks.  The Elevated storage tanks not only hold water for later use but also provide pressure to the system.  

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Michelle Guelker Director of Public Works 817-441-7708