Everyday watering guidelines

Calendar showing watering days

The City of Willow Park is now officially connected to the City of Fort Worth water supply, which secures our resources for the future. Please see the chart for the days when you can use a sprinkler, and remember that watering with irrigation systems or hose-end sprinklers is only allowed before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m. on your assigned days.

More details:

Drip irrigation, soaker hose, handheld hoses, and tree bubblers are allowed any day, but only for two hours at a time;

Please only use hand-held buckets and hoses with shut-off valves for washing vehicles;

Please don't hose paved areas or buildings, unless it's for fire protection;

Please check in with city hall for a variance if you're going to establish new turf.

These rules are in place year-round. Should further conservation be required, you will receive a notification from the city as to those measures.

We appreciate everyone's cooperation to help make Willow Park a strong community!